The save file contents look just like PC, but cannot be opened in gibbed save editor (you get the SHA1 hash error). BuFu_EVO Jun 19, BL2 is now out on the switch. Tutorial Gibbed PS4 saves (No PS3 needed). Find and post the latest Borderlands 2 modding to help you on your modding journey.

Total Files Served: 7, Borderlands 2 Skins Save With All Heads and Skins Borderlands 2: Modded Gunzerker lvl Game Save.

You can edit textures, bank inventory, player and. It allows you to do a ton of things that are stored within the savegame file. The Borderlands 2 Save File Editor by Gibbed let's you level up your Vault Hunter, add more money, skip missions, and add awesome weapons to.

› guides › borderlandssave-file-editor-by-gibbed. We've beaten the game and now he wants to play with modded weapons. My son likes and plays this amazing game both on PC and the Xbox One. Unlike SOMEONE, who shall remain nameless, who falsely claims of % save files these files are 99% complete based on community guides. This mod contains Borderlands 2 saved games that include all the gear in the game at OP10 level Each character has modded stats.