1 2 3 Go to page: Mod Category Submitter Stats. Post Edited: Removed Bill Mod for tweaking. Desert Eagle - Mods for Left 4 Dead 2 Left 4 Dead 2 Mods Weapons Desert Eagle. L4D Francis voice mod < Will get a video up soon. YouTube Sampler < not a great representative of the mod as a whole, but you get a good feel for the "attitude" of the coach character. There are some game events that don't have a disticnt sound of their own, such as Turret Rotator damaged/Gun damaged, and instead is just a negative response "Oh Sh"!, so keep an eye on your damage indicators! Crew injuries are given a "time to use a health kit" phrase. I have tried the Duke Nukem Mod (fantastic), but wanted something of my own making.

I will tell you I enjoy the game much better with these mods. If I think they are share worthy once I have completed them, I'll post em.Īs any voice modder will tell you it can be difficult to match up other game sounds precisely with game events within WOT, but I think I did a good job. Also just uploaded Francis from the original Left 4 Dead, and Ellis from L4D2 (and changed the post title) I have one for Bill and Zoey as well from the Original l4d, but they need to be reworked to make better matches. That may be politically incorrect, but IDC. After reading through MasterTaco's great thread on creating voice mods, I thought I would try my own hand at it, and here are the first ones, staring "Coach" from the game Left 4 Dead 2.